Judge Pauline Newman Lifetime Achievement Award
Award at a Glance
Most Recent Recipient: Judge Pauline Newman
Date awarded: August, 2017
Past Recipients:
- None
To recognize and award an ACS Member who has made a significant lifetime contribution to the profession.
Description and History:
The award consists of a simple plaque (Certificate) and an __ honorarium, typically presented in person to the recipient at a CHAL reception or luncheon at one of the two ACS national meetings in the year it is awarded.
CHAL instigated the award in 2017, in honor of Judge Pauline Newman, a federal judge on the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
Recipient must be an ACS member
Nominees for the award are normally considered only on an occasional basis, with an expectation to present the award at an ACS National Meeting.
How to Apply:
Nominations can be made to the subcommittee on Awards and Nominations, or by e-mailing [email protected]