Roger D. Middlekauf Award
Award at a Glance
Most Recent Recipient: Richard Bone
Date awarded: August 2022
Past Recipients:
- Gale/Roger Middlekauf
- Shirley Radding
- Jack Riley
- Alice Robertson
- Ken Bjork
- Hugh Dubb
- James Carver
- Chuck Hauff
- Carl Lippenberger
- Justin Hasford
- Sarah Hasford
- MaryAnn Armstrong
- 2017 Krista Bianco
- 2019 Jonathan Kennedy
- Howard Peters
- Mike Kaminski
- Barbara Lences
- Mike Burns
- Mike Gilroy
- Rich Racine
- Alan Ehrlich
- Brian Meadows
- Sandie Thompson
- Sandy Burcham
- Xavier Pillai
- Sally Peters
- 2018 Jen Blount
- 2022 Richard Bone
To recognize and award those division members who have devoted a significant amount of time and effort to running the division’s activities
Description and History:
The award consists of a simple plaque, typically presented in person to the recipient at a CHAL reception at one of the two ACS national meetings in the year it is awarded.
The award was instigated in ~1991, in honor of the late Roger D. Middlekauf, a founding member of the Division and an early Chair, who died suddenly in 1981 while working out at a gym in Washington, DC.
Recipient must be an ACS member and a member of CHAL
Nominees for the award are normally considered annually (though it has not been awarded on a regular basis since the 2020-21 Covid-19 pandemic) with an expectation to present the award at an ACS National Meeting.
How to Apply:
Nominations can be made to the subcommittee on Awards and Nominations, or by e-mailing [email protected]