Call for Abstracts – 257th National Meeting in Orlando

The Division of Chemistry and the Law is currently accepting papers and symposia for the 257th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, to be held March 31 – April 4, 2019, in Orlando, FL. CHAL welcomes submissions on all legal topics impacting the chemical sciences, including, but not limited to, intellectual property, patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, forensic chemistry, food and drug law, regulatory law, product liability, tort law, environmental law, employment agreements, professional ethics, expert witnesses, chemical consulting, chemical health and safety, chemical information, administrative law and rule making, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, licensing and technology transfers, and litigation.

Please submit abstracts for individual presentations or Sci-Mix posters on-line through MAPS under the session entitled “The Many Faces of CHAL: Where Chemistry Meets the Law.” Abstracts must be submitted by November 5, 2018.

For submission of half-day or full-day symposia with multiple speakers, please contact Krista Bianco at [email protected] or Kristi L. McIntyre at [email protected].