About Chemistry and the Law

Executive Committee

CHAL holds monthly meetings, typically hosted by the Division Chair, and open to all interested members. We discuss a range of topics relevant to the running of the Division. Please e-mail [email protected] if you would like to be added to the calendar invite.
Each position on the CHAL Executive Committee is filled by an election of the division’s members. Electronic ballots are sent out to division members in the fall giving an opportunity for each of you to vote on the positions that are up for election for the coming year.

Richard G. A. Bone

Matthew J. hlinka

Katherine A. Rubino

Jonathan L. kennedy

Edgardo mantilla

James Carver

Justin Hasford

Xavier pillai

Brian C. meadows

Gabriel B. Ferrante

Executive Sub-Committee

CHAL bylaws also provide for 3 subcommittees to meet from time to time to address the following aspects of division governance:

Membership Affairs

Miho Kaneko

Steven Hoenig

Richard Bone

Jonathan L. kennedy


Gabriel Ferrante

Andrew Berks

Holger Tostmann

Richard Bone

Nominations and Awards

James Carver

Ram Sabnis

Richard Bone

Division Bylaws

CHAL’s bylaws were last updated in 2022. According to ACS procedures, amendments to the Division’s bylaws are approved by the Division’s executive committee and then via a vote of the Division’s members (normally accompanying the Fall ballot), before being approved by the ACS itself.

Our History

Chemistry and the Law (CHAL) was initially established as a subdivision of the Division of Chemical Information (CINF) in 1980, due in large part to pioneering efforts by Division elder statesman, Howard Peters. Ultimately, the ACS Division of Chemistry and the Law was inaugurated in 19**. Throughout that time, CHAL has focused on education, networking, and recognition of contributors to the field and those who have volunteered their time to the Division and ACS more broadly. For more than 20 years, we have been a constant presence at the American Chemical Society’s two annual national meetings, offering technical programs on subjects at the intersection of chemical science and law. While the division’s founding members hailed from intellectual property law and practice, our programming has constantly reached beyond that core content. To date, we have provided programming in areas such as: FDA and regulatory law, forensics, environmental law, expert witness practice, and others. We have also frequently offered career counseling workshops, a subject that is of continued interest to ACS members who are looking at careers beyond academia and research science. We have also had an occasional presence at the ACS’s many regional meetings.

About ACS

With more than 164,000 members, the American Chemical Society (ACS) is the world’s largest scientific society and one of the world’s leading sources of authoritative scientific information. A nonprofit organization, chartered by Congress, ACS is at the forefront of the evolving worldwide chemical enterprise and the premier professional home for chemists, chemical engineers and related professions around the globe.


Our 2025 Fee Schedule is as follows

Join the division when you sign up for or renew your ACS membership. Or Join at any time via the Technical Divisions page on the ACS website.